Nim's Island

Anything can happen on Nim's Island, a magical place ruled by a young girl's imagination. It is an existence that mirrors that of her favorite literary character, Alex Rover- the world's greatest adventurer. But Alexandra, the author of the Rover books, leads a reclusive life in the big city. When Nim's father goes missing from their island, a twist of fate brings her together with Alexandra. Now, they must draw courage from their fictional hero, Alex Rover, and find strength in one another to conquer Nim's Island.

This was a cutesy movie for kids. It had its moments for the parents that have to take them but not enough to make it truly enjoyable for the adults. Abigail Breslin, who plays Nim, is a great young actor and pretty much carries the movie. I don't really know how in the blue hell Jodie Foster ended up in this and Gerard Butler has gone from the dictionary definition of bad ass in 300 to a pretty big joke of a supporting character to a 11 year old. The one really good thing that this movie accomplished from a parenting standpoint was in the first half of the movie when they conveyed reading a book and seeing it all play out in your imagination. I loved watching Stinka and her friends take this in and hope that it will stick with them. Unfortunately, the movie went on to show that the adventurer that Nim loved and worshipped in the books turned out to be a scared to leave her house author. Hopefully, this didn't put out the fire in the kids' imaginations that the beginning did such a good job of starting.

I would lukewarmly recommend parents checking this out with the kids. Its not atrocious and you could probably stick it out for your kids, but its not the most enjoyable viewing either.