
Andrew Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single-minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of his father, Andrew hungers day and night to become one of the greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor equally known for his teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top jazz ensemble in the school. Fletcher discovers Andrew and transfers the aspiring drummer into his band, forever changing the young man's life. Andrew's passion to achieve perfection quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher continues to push him to the brink of both his ability-and his sanity.

Wow!  This was amazing acting by both JK Simmons and Miles Teller.  You know what you are going to get with JK Simmons and he was phenomenal in this.  He was absolutely vicious yet you find yourself glued to his every action and word.  Miles Teller continues to develop into one of, if not the, best up and coming actors in Hollywood.  This kid, who has been so great at comedy to date, left all the laughs out of this one and performed on the same excellent level as Simmons.  The back and forth between them as the movie progressed was amazing.  

I would definitely recommend people checking this movie out.  Both of these actors should get acknowledged with award nominations and this movie will probably go down as the best kept secret of 2014.