Mother's Day

Mother's Day is the latest star studded ensemble comedy from director Garry Marshall ("Pretty Woman," "Valentine's Day"). Bringing together Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson and Julia Roberts along with Jason Sudeikis, it's a celebration of mothers everywhere. This big-hearted comedy invites us all to enjoy the laughter, tears and love as three generations come together in the week leading up to Mother's Day.

Holy crap this movie was all over the place!  I know that these movies have all the intersecting stories that come together but this one was just too much.  There was so much stuff crammed into the four separate families that when they did intersect or crossover it was total chaos with too much stories.  Adding to this was the two old ladies sitting behind us giving a play by play just made the whole movie crazier and more laughable.

I wouldn't recommend people bothering with this movie.  It's way too muddled with overstuffed family sitcom storylines and feels like silly car accidents happening over and over again.