The Ten Best Movies Of 2018

Honorable Mention - There are a couple of them . . . . .
Hereditary - this was a crazy psychological thriller that left a ton of screwy images in my head but the ending was a little bit off
Searching - never thought I would enjoy one of those gimmicky social media related, everything happens on a computer screen or monitor type of movie as much as I enjoyed this
Blackkklansman - very well done and deserves all the accolades it will get but was definitely waaaay too long
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse - shocked that the best Spider-Man entry to come from Sony is an animated one with a crazy over the top story and a ton of different main characters but this was awesome

10 - Ready Player One
I loved the book and I loved the movie although they were both majorly different.  It is beyond rare that a movie can change so much from a book and I still love it and honestly see it as a different entity that is better because of the said changes.

9 - The Incredibles 2
The movie was a little bit too long and I hate that I had to wait so long for what should have been the most obvious sequel of all time but the movie was still great and they did right by all the different characters that you are crazy fond of.

8 - Bird Box
This one didn't open in theaters and was a Netflix original and I will never understand why.  This was a very well done psychological thriller and much better than 95% of the garbage that gets released in theaters.

7 - The Mule
Clint Eastwood proved again how his movies that he directs with him as the lead are amazing and the ones that he directs and is not in are usually turds.

6 - Mission Impossible: Fallout
Always have been a huge fan of this franchise but this one took it to a whole other level.  The fighting and action were awesome and somehow seemed more real than before.

5 - Black Panther
This movie was absolutely amazing on so many levels.  The only knock that I can make against it is that it had two of the best villains not named Loki in the Marvel franchise so far and did away with both of them.  Outside of that - EVERYTHING worked in this bad boy.

4 - Avengers: Infinity War
I will never understand for the life of me how you could have this many characters in a movie, have such sky high expectations for it and completely drive it so far out of the park.  Marvel is truly amazing and we are all so privileged to be able to see this stuff play out so masterfully.

3 - Green Book
Excellent on screen chemistry.  Excellent story telling from both a nationality point of view and a historical point of view.  I figured I would like this movie but was caught way off guard with how much I actually ended up loving it.

2 - A Quiet Place
I have never had a more immersive and tense movie going experience than this movie.  I was legit sore when the movie was over because of how tense it made me from beginning to end.  And to do it with literally minimal amounts of actual talking is so impressive.  Didn't think I could be a bigger fan of John Krazinski and then he directed this.  Truly top notch.

1 - A Star Is Born
I have never seen better on screen chemistry between an actor and actress in my life.  I was so completely sucked in by this movie and loved this pairing so much.  Just like with A Quiet Place - the fact that Bradley Cooper directed this just makes the movie that much more impressive.  His camerawork and use of certain techniques to build drama or love was amazing.  I could see this ending up as my favorite "date" movie of all time.