Richard Jewell

Based upon the Vanity Fair article "American Nightmare: The Ballad of Richard Jewell" by Marie Brenner, the film will tell the story of security guard Richard Jewell who, in 1996, became both a national hero and shortly afterwards a suspect in the Olympic Park bombing. Jewell, who's life was thrown into turmoil following the accusations, was eventually exonerated.

Very conflicted on this movie.  On one hand - I absolutely loved it.  I thought the direction and writing were top notch.  I thought that the guy playing the lead and Sam Rockwell were awesome.  I really, really enjoyed this movie ALOT.  However, it felt kind of hypocritical all along in the way that it showed the media and the law enforcement characters.  Like if you are making a movie about how Richard Jewell was wrongly accused and biased against shouldn't you walk that line more and not portray law enforcement and the reporter as biased.  Like yes - they were wrong and what not absolutely but like especially the reporter it was kind of uncomfortable how she was portrayed.  The funny thing is that I had no idea about the controversy surrounding this until after seeing the movie and felt better that it wasn't just me.

I would still recommend people checking this out.  The movie was a great watch and I very much enjoyed it.  It just did kind of rub me the wrong way at times because of what I said.