
Haunted by a devastating encounter with a tornado, Kate Cooper gets lured back to the open plains by her friend, Javi, to test a groundbreaking new tracking system. She soon crosses paths with Tyler Owens, a charming but reckless social-media superstar who thrives on posting his storm-chasing adventures. As storm season intensifies, Kate, Tyler and their competing teams find themselves in a fight for their lives as multiple systems converge over central Oklahoma.

This movie was EXACTLY what you would expect going in.   Disaster movie with great special effects.   You don't go to see this for the acting - even though they put together a pretty awesome young and upcoming cast.  You don't go for the story - although they definitely did a good enough job of trying to set one up.  You go for the effects and the movie definitely delivered on that.   This was a very enjoyable popcorn movie.

I would definitely recommend people checking this out.   It's a big part of what going to the movies is all about.