Based on the acclaimed novel, The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising tells the story of Will Stanton, a young man who learns he is the last of a group of warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the Dark. Traveling back and forth through time, Will hunts for a series of mysterious clues and encounters forces of unimaginable evil. With the Dark once again rising, the future of the world rests in Will's hands.
This movie is another one of the rush to adapt any best selling children's book series. Every studio is looking for the next Harry Potter or Chronicles Of Narnia. Its become one of the most recent hollywood fads. There are the better than average ones like Charlotte's Web, Eragon and Lemony Snicket and then there are the ones that are just kind of thrown out there. The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising is unfortunately one of the latter. Its not that the movie was horrible. It just seemed like the proper amount of effort that it deserved wasn't given and that the studio just rushed it, both in story and effects, and threw it out there. The movie is somewhat watchable but nowhere near as good as it could have been. To make it a little bit tougher to swallow, the story is pretty much over the head of the youngsters who are supposed to make up the core audience.
I wouldn't really recommend anyone checking this bad boy out in theaters. You're better off just waiting for it to hit the video store.