During a scientific expedition in Iceland, visionary scientist Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser), his nephew Sean (Josh Hutcherson) and their beautiful local guide, Hannah (Anita Briem), are unexpectedly trapped in a cave from which their only escape is to go deeper and deeper into the depths of the Earth. Traveling through never-before-seen worlds, the trio comes face-to-face with surreal and unimaginable creatures--including man-eating plants, giant flying piranha, glow birds and terrifying dinosaurs from days past. The explorers soon realize that as volcanic activity increases around them, they must find a way back to the earth's surface before it is too late.
This movie was beyond campy. At no point did you not completely know what was going to happen. Brendan Fraser did his usual overacting. However, the movie was still quite enjoyable. It was an old school adventure ride. The 3D effects definitely helped a lot. There were lots of moments where the effects were like the ones you would see at a Disney World or Universal Studios 3D ride. I think this movie could still be enjoyable without the effects though. There are some really jump out of your seat parts because of the 3D but ultimately, this is a great family film.
I'd recommend everyone checking this out. I have always been a big fan of 3D movies and this movie is one of the great examples of why.