Space Chimps is an intergalactic comedy that highlights the antics of astronaut chimps with the "wrong stuff." Ham III (Samberg), the slacker grandson of the first chimp blasted into space before manned spaceflight, joins two other astronaut chimps for a dangerous mission through a black hole to an inhabited planet. When they're stranded there, the chimps must help the inhabitants rid themselves of a tyrannical leader, and then figure out how to get back to Earth.
This was a watchable kids movie. The parts with the monkeys were actually really funny. Unfortunately, every time that they switched over to what was going on with the aliens, I felt like I was watching a Saturday morning kids cartoon. Basically - thats all this movie was. There was no reason for it to be made for the big screen. It wasn't bad by any means - it just was not an animated movie worthy of this kind of marketing.
I wouldn't recommend anyone rush to check this out in theaters. Wait for it to be watched at home where it much more digestible.