The 10 Worst Movies of 2008

10 - The Happening
M Night Shymalalalalalalalan struck gold with The Sixth Sense right out the gate and is pretty much screwed for life while trying to recapture that same gold. This movie was so bad that I found myself laughing as people were killing themselves.

9 - Soul Men
Samuel L. Jackson has become the worst actor in Hollywood. Its almost at the point where I don't want to see a movie he's in. It is such a shame that this piece of dung is the last thing that Bernie Mac will ever do.

8 - The Spirit
Not even the cool visual look of Frank Miller movies could help save this absolute piece of garbage. I made it a whole 19 minutes before pulling the plug. Side note - Samuel Jackson also in this. Seeing a trend?

7 - The Midnight Meat Train
Never heard of it? Consider yourself lucky. This stupid movie about a train that would go down a different tunnel and anyone on it would be brutally killed was horrendous!

6 - Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanomo Bay
Even though I've never really been in to getting high, I can usually manage to enjoy pot movies anyway. Not the case with this one. I liked the first one but there was absolutely no reason for this sequel.

5 - You Don't Mess With The Zohan
I've always enjoyed Adam Sandler movies. I know that they are totally immature and sophmoric, but I tend to laugh my ass off anyway. This was the first one that I absolutely hated and ended up walking out on. I smiled once in the first hour before calling it a day.

4 - House
Never heard of it? Again - consider yourself lucky. This was another "horror" movie that was not scary whatsoever and was made so cheap that it would have been a lame made for Sci-Fi Network movie. I still can't for the life of me figure out why Michael Madsen was in this movie. Does he really not have any better options?

3 - College
Yet another envelope pushing sex comedy. I literally watched 8 minutes of this with a disgusted look on my face while waiting to string up another movie at work. It was more than enough to decide that I will never bother watching a single remaining second of the big turd.

2 - Fool's Gold
WW and I couldn't believe how horrible this movie was. In fact. I think we stayed as long as we did purely out of shock.

1 - Meet Dave
This movie was simply the worst movie of 2008. It is one of those epically horrible movies. Its one of those that are so bad that everyone must see it. This movie is on par with Howard The Duck, Leonard Part 6 and Ishtar bad. Eddie Murphy needs to tell his agent point blank that he can no longer even look at scripts like this anymore.