Set in the near future, Lockout follows a falsely convicted ex- government agent (Pearce), whose one chance at obtaining freedom lies in the dangerous mission of rescuing the President's daughter (Grace) from rioting convicts at an outer space maximum security prison.
This was without a doubt - the WORST edited movie that I have seen in my entire life. Apparantly, they decided that they wanted a PG-13 rating at the last second and decided to cut back on the blood and/or foul language. However, they didn't do reshoots and just cut the scenes. The result is it going from scene to scene with no transition whatsoever. Pearce headbutts a guy - cut scene - they are running out of the room on the completely different side of where they are with people chasing them. The movie was a giant turn regardless but could have been a "guilty pleasure" type movie but the editing just makes it straight up unbearable.
I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. No - wait!!! Actually, I would. This is one of those movies that is so absurdly bad - that people should see it just to sit there going "What the f@ck?"