Heaven Is For Real

Inspired by the #1 New York Times best-selling book of the same name, Heaven is for Real brings to the screen the true story of a small-town father who must find the courage and conviction to share his son's extraordinary, life-changing experience, with the world.

I'll be the first person to admit that I am not a very spiritual person.  I believe in certain things and I always go out of my way to do right by those near and dear to my heart and treat people the way I would like to be treated, etc, etc.  Church and faith and that kind of stuff . . . . . not so much.  I don't knock those that choose that path in life but it's just not for me.  With that being said, I figured that there was no chance in hell that I would enjoy this movie and even care enough to pay attention throughout.  I was dead wrong.  This movie definitely hooked me and I enjoyed it very much.  I don't know if it was the innocence of the kid with all the info he offered on heaven/Jesus or the convincing portrayal of his father by Greg Kinnear, but  I really liked this movie and will probably think about my beliefs or lack thereof after seeing it.  Will it change my way of thinking?  Who knows.  But it was done in a way to get you thinking and I was impressed.

I would definitely recommend people checking this one out.  Like I said - Greg Kinnear was great in the role of the father and the movie was definitely mind opening to all levels of faith believers (or lack of).