A Million Ways To Die In The West

Seth MacFarlane directs, produces, co-writes and plays the role of the cowardly sheep farmer Albert in A Million Ways to Die in the West.  After Albert backs out of a gunfight, his fickle girlfriend leaves him for another man. When a mysterious and beautiful woman rides into town, she helps him find his courage and they begin to fall in love. But when her husband, a notorious outlaw, arrives seeking revenge, the farmer must put his newfound courage to the test.

Wow!  This was absolutely awful.  Like I walked out on it because it was so awful.  This was basically one joke (people died easily in the old west) stretched out for two hours (which is about one hour and 59 minutes too long).  Anything that might have been funny was in the ads.  The rest was overdone jokes and a bunch of characters that you really don't care about.  Ironically, I actually pulled the plug when one of the characters suffering from diarrhea shit in a hat.  Literally.  That wasn't bad enough though so he did it again and then knocked the hat over.  What was shown coming out of the hat completely summarized the movie as a whole.

I would recommend absolutely nobody ever seeing this.  It was beyond disappointing and so horribly bad that I walked out of a free movie.