Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

From visionary director Tim Burton, and based upon the best-selling novel, comes an unforgettable motion picture experience. When Jake discovers clues to a mystery that spans alternate realities and times, he uncovers a secret refuge known as Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. As he learns about the residents and their unusual abilities, Jake realizes that safety is an illusion, and danger lurks in the form of powerful, hidden enemies. Jake must figure out who is real, who can be trusted, and who he really is.

This was Tim Burton finally getting back to his roots.  While not as dark as his best stuff it wasn't as bright and fluffy as some more recent efforts.  It was a very enjoyable fantasy movie with characters that you got hooked to and a story with great visuals as it plays out.  Again - not as big of a hook as his best stuff but more than good enough to keep you invested in how it turns out.  

I would recommend people checking this out who are in to these kinds of movies.  I thought it was a very enjoyable watch.  There is some pretty creepy stuff in this for anyone with younger kids just to warn those this would pertain to.