Rogue One

A rogue band of resistance fighters unite to steal the Death Star plans and bring new hope to the galaxy. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story takes place before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope and will be a departure from the saga films but have elements that are familiar to the Star Wars universe, exploring the galactic struggle from a ground-war perspective while maintaining that essential Star Wars feel that fans have come to know.

This one was for the die hard fans.  It was basically a full length version of the scrolling story at the beginning of Star Wars.  There were tons of connections to Star Wars -some literally.  They did a great job of developing a and of characters and making you feel attached to all of these new people.  The action was amazing and this movie featured possibly the best look at Darth Vader's visciousness in the entire Star Wars timeline.  If this is what the spinoff Star Wars movies are going to be like - sign me up!  

Pretty sure most of the free world is going to see this regardless but yes it has my full recommendation.  This was a greatly told story with very hooking characters that totally fit into the Star Wars universe.