A frustrated suburban housewife and her best friend hatch an illegal coupon-club scheme that scams millions from corporations and delivers deals to legions of fellow coupon clippers. Hot on their trail is an unlikely duo -- a hapless loss-prevention officer and a determined U.S. postal inspector -- both looking to end their criminal enterprise.
This movie is a perfect example of having little to no expectations for a movie helping to possibly enjoy it more. I put this on because it showed up online and fully expected it to gradually become background noise while I did everything. But the movie ended up completely keeping my attention. I liked the progression of the whole the two leads dug themselves into, I really liked the part that Paul Walker Hauser played and he had me pissing myself from laughing at times, and I loved him and Vince Vaughn working together. Just the scenes with the two of them and their characters evolving makes this movie worth watching.
Never in a million years did I expect to be suggesting people watch this movie. It was a lot of very simple fun with great laughs throughout.