Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings

Martial-arts master Shang-Chi confronts the past he thought he left behind when he's drawn into the web of the mysterious Ten Rings organization.

Marvel simply does not fail.  I knew nothing about Shang Chi or the ten rings going in.  It was never in any of the comics I read as a kid and it didn't matter at all.  They did a great job of telling the origin story, a great job of building up new characters, had one of the craziest connections ever to the rest of the MCU, had amazing fight scenes and action and introduced us to a whole other world that can now be revisited.  The comparisons to Black Panther are very justified and I can't wait to see more of these characters in future movies.

I would absolutely recommend people checking this movie out.  It was a great watch and another awesome entry/character added to the MCU.