The Boogeyman

High school student Sadie Harper and her younger sister, Sawyer, are still reeling from the recent death of their mother. They're not getting much support from their father, Will, a therapist who's dealing with his own intense pain. When a desperate patient unexpectedly shows up at their house seeking help, he leaves behind a terrifying supernatural entity that preys on families and feeds on the suffering of its victims.

Movies like this rely on two things.  First is the suspense build up and jump scares.  This movie did a good job of that.   Second is the reveal of the monster.  This one dropped the ball big time on this.   The second you see the monster and how ridiculous it looks the scare factor is massively watered down.  They might have been better off not showing it except for the beady eyes thing.

I would somewhat recommend people checking this out.  It's not a terrible watch but it is not as good at all once you see the monster.