Happily N'Ever After is an animated satirical retelling of the classic story of Cinderella. Once upon a time in Fairy Tale Land, the age-old balance between good and evil has been thrown out of whack. Frieda, Cinderella's power-mad stepmother, has formed an unholy alliance of evil to take on the good guys. With her own fairy tale spinning wildly out of control, Cinderella (a/k/a Ella) is forced to shed her damsel-in-distress trappings in order to seize control of her own destiny and lead the resistance without her Prince Charming. In a world of happy endings gone wrong, the race for control of the kingdom is on.
This was a great movie for younger kids . . . . . maybe 9 years old and under. My future stepdaughter loved the movie. Unfortunately - Wonder Woman and I were completely ready to leave about 30 minutes in to the movie because it was such a snooze fest. I'm not even really that sure what happened towards the end because I chose to get so engrossed playing Bejeweled on my cell phone. Great game by the way and you should so download it if you don't have it. Anywho, I digress. The bottom line is that this is one of those textbook movies that kids love but the adults are ready to run out of the theater asap.
I would recommend this to anyone willing to suffer for their younger daughters, but outside of that - stay clear, people!