Pan's Labyrinth is a story set against the backdrop of a fascist regime in 1944 rural Spain. The film centers on Ofelia, a lonely and dreamy child living with her mother and adoptive father; a military officer tasked with ridding the area of rebels. In her loneliness, Ofelia creates a world filled with fantastical creatures and secret destinies. With post-war repression at its height, Ofelia must come to terms with her world through a fable of her own creation.
This is one of those movies where I think I heard too much about how great it was before seeing. I literally felt myself sitting through big portions of the movie asking myself why would people think this was so good. The movie wasn't bad at all. I actually liked it alot. It just wasn't nearly as good as everyone had said it was. The only real downer for me was that I was all psyched about the fantasy part of this movie and as it turns out - that is only half of the movie. The other half took place in 1944 real time. I wish that a lot more of the movie would have taken place in the fantasy realm. I should probably also specifically note that this is a foreign movie with subtitles. I know that I would hate myself if I was a reader and went to see the movie not knowing that.
I would recommend this movie to all, but with no rush whatsoever. If it's playing near you and have the time, check it out. Otherwise, it's a good rental.