Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye is a race-against-time thriller starring Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson, Anthony Mackie and Billy Bob Thornton. Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) and Rachel Holloman (Monaghan) are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations – using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move. As the situation escalates, these two ordinary people become the country's most wanted fugitives, who must work together to discover what is really happening – and more importantly, why.

Before going to see this movie, you have to be willing to let go of your brain and any sense of reality. As long as you do that - this movie is straight up action and entertainment. If you don't do that - you will be finding it overly silly and ridiculous. I let go of my brain and enjoyed the ride very much. I kind of have a man crush on Shia LaBeouf. I see him ascending to the same level of Tom Hanks and Will Smith in terms of actors that I would watch in anything. He's was just as witty and sarcastic with his dialogue delivery in this as he was in his prior efforts. The action was awesome. Honestly, this could have easily been a summer movie and I'm not sure why the movie studio passed on the additional 50 million this movie would have made with a mid-August release, but its a welcome early fall popcorn movie amongst the usual overflow of serious movies.

I recommend that everyone check this movie out. Its a fun and entertaining roller coaster ride.