Only God Forgives

Julian (Ryan Gosling) is a former kickboxer and gangster living in Bangkok. When his brother is murdered by a ruthless Thai police lieutenant, Julian is forced to seek vengeance or risk his own death.

This was a strangely filmed movie just like Drive from a few years back by the same director/actor.  There was a lot more closeups on people's faces or them thinking instead of actual dialogue.  However, it was done in such a way that the intensity and anticipation bar for what was going to happen was pretty awesome.  The Thai police lieutenant totally kept you dialed in every time he was on screen (kind of like Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men) and Ryan Gosling's back and forth between intensity and deep thought was awesome as always.  Besides the filming style and the score build up in the background, there were parts of the movie that were so violent, I had to look away. 

I would definitely recommend people checking this movie out.  It's pretty violent at times and very artistic/not mainstream, but I was surprised by how dialed in I was to this movie and enjoyed it alot.