
In Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen - star of HBO's Da Ali G Show, plays a Kazakhstani reporter. Borat travels from his home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a documentary. He travels cross country in a series of mishaps and meets all sorts of different people.

As long as the sometimes offensive material (there is one scene in the movie that rivals only that of the puppet sex scene in Team America: World Police in terms of "oh my god - why am I watching this") doesn't get you all waa-waa, this is a very funny movie. If you haven't seen it and have heard over and over again how funny it is, it might not meet your sky high expectations, but there will still be plenty of laughs to go around. Words can do no justice to how hard I was laughing when he went to an etiquette dinner or how priceless it is when Borat meets up with a bunch of African Americans and asks them to teach him how to talk like them.

Besides being funny, the character of Borat is sure to put its stamp on American culture just like Austin Powers and Napolean Dynamite. I guarantee that people will be talking like him for years now and that one of the hottest Halloween costumes next year will be Borat.

I would recommend this movie to all adults and suggest that you admit just how over the top funny this movie is even if you are offended.