Deck The Halls

A movie about clashing neighbors over home decoration. Steve (Matthew Broderick), leads a well-organized life. His new neighbor is Danny (Danny DeVito), and he couldn't possibly be more different than Steve. Danny's dream is to create the biggest holiday light display in the world, visible from outer space.

Words do no justice to how horrid this movie is. It is by far the WORST holiday movie ever. Did you read the summary? It's about a guy whose dream it is to make his house visible from space. Not world peace. Not good health. Not lots of money. Not for super powers. He wants to make his house visible from space!?! The only thing that this movie even has to do with Christmas is that he is using Christmas lights to try and accomplish the most ridiculous dream ever.

The worst part of watching this movie (besides the wanting to stab yourself in the eyes level of poopness overall) is the fact that I used to idolize Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller. Admit it! You all did! What the hell happened to this guy!?! How did he go from being THE MAN to the lame a$$ husband of Sara Jessica Parker? The dude had highlights in his hair in this movie!!! I wanted to cry when I thought about how much I used to worship this closet homosexual (not that there is anything wrong with that!).

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. EVER!!! It is once again the worst Christmas movie of all time. And that says a lot when you think that even Ernest made a Christmas movie, people!