2006: The Best

10. V For Vendetta

Some might think that this movie was a little too politically charged and that there was a lot more action advertised. However, I thought that the movie was very well done and proof that the creators of The Matrix might actually have a pretty good future outside of The Matrix. If anyone in the North Carolina area might have a burned copy of this movie (we shall call him "How" and that must me prounounced as if you were a dumbstruck Chinaman), feel free to watch this great movie and send it back.

9. Little Miss Sunshine

The family in this movie is by far the poster family for dysfunction. The acting was phenomenal across the board and on top of being well written and acted, this movie produced some of the biggest belly laughs of the year by far.

8. Dave Chappelle's Block Party

I love Dave Chappelle. He is one of those people that I can die laughing just from watching him have a conversation. He was hysterical in this movie as he wandered around inviting people to his block party. I even ended up liking the music, but even if you aren't in to that type of music you end up loving this movie anyway.

7. Blood Diamond

Even with the graphic violence, this movie was completely phenomenal. The acting was great all around - especially Djimon Hounsou. He really doesn't get the respect he deserves. The pace and story barely let up and the few times that it slowed down a bit, it came roaring back in the blink of an eye.

6. Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow is one of the greatest film characters ever. Even if the story was a bit wishy washy and all over the place, this movie was still awesome just because of Captain Jack. Not to mention that I'm a big sucker for a mega-blockbuster movie like this.

5. Cars

When I saw that Pixar was making a movie about talking cars I figured that they would finally have a bomb on their hands. There's no way that could end up being entertaining. However, I ended up being dead wrong. This movie ended up being one of Pixar's better movies and Larry The Cable Guy became one of the best animated voices ever.

4. The Pursuit Of Happyness

Even though I could understand some people could think it's too sappy and pulls heart strings too much, I thought this movie was phenomenal!!! Will Smith was awesome as always. This is also the type of movie that makes you realize that no matter how bad you have it - it could always be much worse and that you just have to keep pushing through no matter what. It was a perfect feel good movie.

3. Miami Vice

Michael Mann (Heat, The Insider, Collateral) is one of my favorite directors. He seems to do something special with the look of his movies and that alone seems to suck you in that much more. I was a huge fan of the television series, but thought that this movie was so much better than the show ever was. Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx were both awesome and the action scenes were beyond intense.

2. Dreamgirls

I absolutely loved this movie. I wasn't quite sure what to expect going in. Basically I never really am when it comes to musicals. However, this movie was phenomenal. The acting performances were great all around - even Beyonce and Eddie Murphy. I could see all of them getting Oscar nominations, especially Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Hudson. I actually think that Jennifer Hudson is a lock for Best Supporting Actress. She sang one song in the middle of the movie that actually had the whole crowd applauding after it was done.

1. The Departed

Every once a while a movie comes out that is pefectly made in every way. This is one of those movies. The casting was top notch with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Jack Nicholson. The script was great and the direction of Martin Scorsese was so good that I actually even thought that Alec Baldwin and Mark Wahlberg were great actors. This is one of those classic cops and robbers/good guys vs bad guys movies and by far the best movie of 2006.