Tooth Fairy

Dwayne Johnson is The Tooth Fairy, also known as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname comes from his habit of separating opposing players from their bicuspids. When Derek discourages a youngster's hopes, he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as a real tooth fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first, Derek "can't handle the tooth" - bumbling and stumbling as he tries to furtively wing his way through strangers' homes...doing what tooth fairies do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position,he begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams.

Yet another totally horrible family movie released in January. I don't think I have ever looked forward to February in my entire life as I do this year. Its just downright painful at this point. Anywho, the only reason that I was able to make it through to the end of this massive turd is because of The Rock. Sure, I could refer to him by his real name, but who are we kidding. He has always been and will always be The Rock. I find him incredibly entertaining and forced my way through this due to my liking of him. Outside of that it was totally formula in every way and just downright bad.

I wouldn't recommend anyone bothering to check this one out. Not even those of you with kids. Its not worth the pain, people!